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  • Writer's pictureAxel Neree

"Appearance Blinds, words reveal"-Oscar Wilde

“What are three words that describe you?” My friend asked me on the phone. For a moment, I struggle to answer this question. “Three words, when people leave you, they would use to describe you or their time with you”, he said.

I love these questions. I am a firm believer that, “The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your questions.” In order to change your thoughts and thinking daily, change the questions you’re asking yourself. Be more creative, expand your vocabulary in order to answer those questions.

Clarifying and selecting these three words, help put a lot of things in perspective. It helps you decide how you want to be remembered. It helps you become more aware and intentional in every interaction you have.

Intentional. Inspired. Supple. The three words I want to describe myself with. Maybe someday they’ll change. Maybe focusing on these three words will change my life.

The power of being intentional, I believe it is a behavior, a skill that can and must be practiced and developed. Being intentional with your intentions. Being intentional with your attention. We often are told we can’t control everything; we have tons of things out of our control. Yes, very true, however, don’t let this thought take away from the power & control you do have. Be intentional about what you can control. Be intentional in your surrendering & submission. Life is a beautiful dance & balance of directing & being directed. Be intentional in how you live & interact with the world & the people of the world.

In order to be inspiring, one must be inspired. I want to be inspired through my faith. I am to fill others, because I am filled by my faith, focus & study of God’s word. My inspiration overflows and fills others because I am being filled everyday by God’s love, God’s presence, God’s strength. I inspire others through my faith. I inspire others through my work. I inspire others through my failures. I inspire others through my words. I inspire others by loving & learning. Love, learn & lead. In order to lead, I must be led by my faith & word of God.

To be supple, is to be flexible, nimble, agile & shape simultaneously. A leopard can sit still and within a matter of seconds be running at top speed. They are strong, flexible, agile, sharp & fast. I pray to have a supple mind, thought process, emotions & spirit. Develop the habit absorbing detailed information across multiple subjects, simplifying and combining them. Understanding & applying the power of brevity. A supple mind helps one communicate effectively & efficiently. A supple spirit listens to learn & understand others. A supple spirit is compassionate & empathetic. A supple being knows how to adapt and apply the most appropriate & necessary attribute to the specific circumstance.

Clarifying three words can clarify a world. Three words can instill and direct purpose, helping us live by faith, not by sight.

“Appearance blinds, words reveal”

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