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  • Writer's pictureAxel Neree

Conquer with belief, trust & preparation

In order to conquer one has to learn walk through fears, vulnerabilities equipped & relying on their trust & beliefs. Like any muscle, your faith & your belief are strengthened when tested. You gain strength when you're doing resistance training. So, how exactly do we strengthen our beliefs, overcoming our fears & vulnerabilities. The only way is to face them and go through them. You have to feel them.

I am 48hrs away from taking my Florida Real Estate License Exam and it’s time to strengthen my beliefs. It’s time to face the fears of failing, facing the fears of not knowing. You walk into the exam with belief because you know you did every single thing you could’ve done to prepare for the exam. You walk in with confidence, the trust & belief that you will pass the exam because of your faith & studying. Thank you lord. I surrender this to you lord.

Knowing you’ve read the book cover to cover. Done multiple practice questions and exams. Gone through every chapter of the course. No need to worry about what you may not know, instead focus on remembering and knowing everything you’ve studied. When you’re leading up to it, you’re facing all kinds of doubts, anxiety, fears of “what ifs”; this is the test. This is the resistance training. Be strong, focus, pray, study & prepare.

You conquer and strengthen yourself with the belief that you can become strong and that you are becoming a stronger person in every arena you’re applying yourself every day. You trust your work ethic & preparation. This effort in preparing is what will carry you through and what you will ask the lord to guide you with. Thank you for this opportunity lord. Knowing you’ve done these things, you simply go and execute what you & God know what to do.

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