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  • Writer's pictureAxel Neree

Everything to gain

Keep faith. Trust the process. Stick to the script. In due time. Endure. These are things to remind yourself when you are doing your best and still struggling. Take a moment, adjust when and where necessary. What is working? What is not working? What are my blind spots, where is my ego affecting my growth? What are my biggest fears? Got it, now let’s remember why I am doing this. What is the purpose behind all of this suffering? I am priming myself, to be the best version of myself. I am being built for the long game. I am being built for a purpose.

“Moral victories are for minor league cultures”

Internal battles are the biggest challenges when you’re not seeing the results you’re desiring. Being great includes battling the lines between internal & external victories. Understanding the dynamic, setting your foundation, prioritizing your values and being agile, confident & aware of when to lean each specific one. The lives of the greats are not linear. They are filled with loops, ups, downs, failures, successes, highs & lows all at the same time. That the complexity of life. That’s where the beauty in life lies.

The greatest lesson to is to sincerely say, “Thank you”. Thank the lord for the season you’re in. The state of mind, the timing, the place, the feeling, the pain, the win, the loss, whatever it is, thank him because it’s a blessing. It’s working in your favor. The trust, the faith that every single thing is working in your favor because of your faith is one of the most powerful attributes you can have during this life. Being equipped with this belief will get you through any and every season. This is the way of living. This allows you to endure any season and will remind you, even though you have everything to gain. You have already won, simply because of your faith.

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