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  • Writer's pictureAxel Neree

"I can't do it, but God can"

My fiancé, at the time of this writing, Kalin is who comes to mind when I think of this line. This is “our” secret weapon. I say “our” because I stole this line from her. She was working one day and had a tough sale situation coming up. The manager whom she was meeting with for the sale, had always said “It’s hard to get anything out of me”. Notes on the specific store, stated the same thing as well. (Side note, HE said it’s hard; doesn’t mean it’s impossible).

The first thought that comes to mind is “man, I don’t know if I can do this” or “how am I going to do it”. Everyone has said the same thing about this store manager and nothing gets sold there because of it. In that moment, God just reminded her of her faith & how to bring him into everything; doesn’t matter how small or big it is. In that moment, a flash of energy and a thought popped in; “I can’t do it, but God can.” Sure enough, she goes in there with a completely different energy, sight and a sense of security and made that sale!

To me, that’s called “God Working Through You”. That’s surrendering in that moment and letting God guide you. That’s the power of God living through you. That’s where your dependency on God shows up, makes you work your faith muscle and then let’s you watch God make miracles happen, small & big. Of course, this one sale is not the greatest miracle, but it’s a simple and great reminder to live by faith!

When we do things, when we go through and accomplish things, we start to build confidence in ourselves, in our abilities. You recognize your power, influence and how you can create and impact things, people and the world we are living in. Never forget the power of the one who created you and in who’s image you were made. You can’t compare or even comprehend the power of God. You sure can use it though. God has it available to and for you at all times.

Every morning I wake up, one of my very first thoughts is always “God can do it”. When I have a list of things to accomplish today, or I’m reminded of how much more I am looking to climb this mountain called life, a thought creeps in and says “man, I don’t know how I’m gonna last”. But I correct myself and think like Kalin, telling myself “I can’t do it, but God can”. It’s a reminder that no matter what you do, you will not last without God. That’s a fact. You can only go so far by yourself.

When you get your ideas, business proposals, send prayers, have vision, put yourself on the journey with God. I love the line “if your dreams/goals don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough”. Why? Because, when you set those audacious goals, plans and journeys to embark on, when you set your sights on it, you must be ready to be tested. You will be tested, you will be challenged, you will have fears and you will have doubts along the way.

When that doubt comes in saying “You can’t do it” or “am I crazy to even aim for this? I don’t think I can actually do it”; just answer and say, “you’re right, I can’t do it, but God can”. (Philippines 4:13) “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. Remind yourself, nothing is impossible with God. Nothing is off-limits. Your belief is limited, not God. We are full of potential and power, yet still limited physical beings who have an almighty God.

Use that to your advantage. Rely on that. Trust that. Trust God. The point of saying “I can’t but God can” is to acknowledge that you’ve accepted to live by faith. It’s surrendering your life to God in every way.

I can’t tell you what will happen to me tomorrow, but God can.

I can’t teach you how to resolve the trauma you’ve been through throughout your life, but God can. I can’t tell you why you’re in your current situation, how to come out, or what lessons you need to learn, but God can. Stay close to him, speak his language and let him speak not only to you, but let him speak through you.

I’m asking you to rely on him. Talk to God, he listens and he talks back. He’ll guide you. He’ll give you strength when you’re weak. When you’re doubtful, he’ll make you hopeful, just ask him.

“C’est plus moi qui vie, mai c’est Dieu qui vie en moi”

This was a line my father would say when he gave the few sermons I’ve seen him give. To translate it from French it means “It’s no longer me who lives, but God who lives in me”. This is the thought that comes to mind when I think of “I can’t do it, but God can”.

I was young, maybe 9 or 10 when my father used to give some sermons as a guest speaker to some churches and groups. I don’t really remember most of the content & messages he would give, they were in big Haitian churches & services that has no set end time, you might be there for 1hr, you might be there for 3hrs, you never know; but I do remember his closing of the sermon, (maybe because I was happy it was getting closer to us leaving when I saw this part coming, after keeping myself quiet but not asleep during the whole service). He would say once you finish surrendering your life to God. Go home, look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself, “it is no longer me who lives, but its God who lives in me”.

In a way, this is what I’m asking you to do. Believe in yourself, believe in God. Ask God to be with you in every moment, remind yourself its Ok if you can’t do it, remind yourself you can do it all with God, who’s not just by your side, but with God within you, God working through you.

As you move throughout your life, I pray you let God move through you. Let God be your presence, be your voice & speak through you. Ask God to be your actions, so you can live through him and by living through God you let God to live through you!

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