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  • Writer's pictureAxel Neree

Knowing who you are

Imagining yourself & knowing yourself are two of the most important things you can do. Once you’re clear on that, who it is you are, not who the world says you are, you are free. Free from hesitation to be and do as you wish and as you can imagine.

Confidence is born in certainty. The beauty is in imagining and knowing. It takes believing to imagine. Believing in one’s potential. Believing in one’s history. Believing in something greater than ourselves.

See the funny thing about faith to me is that, many times you run into situations where you act, do, say or go about something and other believers “judge”, “correct” or “remind” you that “you shouldn’t do this” or that “you can’t do this” because of “this”. Everything requires balance. People will say no that’s not true, you can only be “good” or “bad”, one or the other, not both. Funny because those same Christians would say, we’re all sinners and yet, shun you if you sin. Well, according to your “logic” it wouldn’t change a thing because I am already a sinner aren’t I? Wasn’t I born a sinner?

Getting caught up in those discussions drain and bore me, it’s for the “rigid-minded”. Lack of flexibility, the non-supple minded. Truth is, you have to love them either way, but I do not need to harm myself, my mind or my approach for it. I can love & leave them alone. Better yet, love them by leaving them alone. That is my insight. No need to get into it, let them find their way, just love them along their way.

When you know your faith, you know who you are, there’s no need to worry about falling off track. Knowing I am operating from this place & believing I shall always come back to this place is a major key. No matter how long it’ll take me, I’ll always come back home. This I know for sure. I am always welcome back home to my faith, no matter how far I drift away.

The world will always judge me, so I don’t need to judge myself, I simply need to know myself and most importantly, be myself. Knowing who I am, knowing my lord & savior and his teachings, knowing what my worldviews are, not living to please everyone, but to love everyone. There’s a distinct between the two.

You can love everyone and not please them. I don’t have to be buddy-buddy with you to love you. I don’t have to please you in every conversation to love you. I don’t have to feed your ego to love you. Just because I don’t please you, or agree with you doesn’t mean I can’t love you.

Falling into contradictions and having to debate them is another energy draining and time consuming task. It’s not necessary. It’s pointless. It is to please others and not offend others. It’s to avoid controversy. Controversy is party of life and relationships. It’s about learning to love through those controversies. It’s about knowing yourself enough to operate from a faithful, loving, stoic, still & composed place during those controversies; not being shaken by the contradicting arguments attempting “trap” & divide you.

Knowing who you are is the key to conquering doubt and all of the attributes that accompany it. Knowing who you are is one of the most insightful things you can ever learn throughout your life. Imagining yourself is the greatest gift you are given on Earth. You’re given this imagination and a collection of resources, (blessings), to paint your life. The canvas is your time on Earth, you are an artist, imagine and paint. Art is your life.

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