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  • Writer's pictureAxel Neree

Make the desire outweigh the pain

When pain sets in, when that feelings of comfort you had when you were sitting, eating, drinking and dreaming of your goal leaves; that’s when you have to dig and prove to yourself how bad you really want it. You prove it to yourself by the pain you endure. In those moments, you have to have “The desire outweighs the pain”.

The pain of not receiving it, not accomplishing has to be more painful to you than the pain you’ll go through working to accomplish whatever “it” is you’re aiming for.

At the time of this writing, I am putting this to the test. I currently have a job I’ve taken to help stabilize my income, rhythm and lifestyle financially while building my 2nd business; business of writing and speaking. It pains me to go into work everyday at a sale job for a fortune 50 financial company. Sure, the benefits, incentives and pay are things I am very fortunate and grateful for; but the endurance and capacity necessary to succeed here consistently is challenging. Especially when you’re doing something and you know your heart isn’t in it 100%. Though I enjoy the challenges & victories that come with sales, inside I know that I’m more in it for the paycheck & bonuses that come with this job. It helps me propel my vision forward. On days when I want to work on my writing, topics or speeches; I have to sum up the energy to pitch offers and find ways to add value to the company and their clients instead of working on my dreams.

Yes, sales for this company can be creative work and is many times rewarding, however it is not my dream nor my vision. When I’m working on that, I’m not working on my dream and that pains me more than anything. Even with that said, I schedule myself to work 10hr days, 5-6 days per week; though I am learning to honor & practice my Sabbath, I have for sure sinned in choosing to work 7 days/week. I’ve learned to put hard limits on the amount of work I do at my “day job” in order to Sabbath and work on my dreams, business, and relationship with my lady & my friends.

Why then do you still work that much there at the company? Because even though it pains me, I know with my current earnings and paychecks at this job I am able to invest in my family & my business. There isn’t only financial contribution & blessings from it, it is also conditioning me for my business, conditioning me to pitch my ideas and add my own value to the world repeatedly. Rep after rep. You can always find lessons, values and strengthen that help propel you from where you currently are to when you want to be. Focus on that and use that to steer towards your faith & your dreams.

After my 10 hour days, I know I have to get to work, still. I must attend to my fiancé and put energy towards our relationship and our faith together. I must workout, sweat, challenge myself to be physically better and stronger. I must be the best version of myself. I must do my research, write, read, create content, practice my craft of speaking and writing, record videos and podcasts. While reaching out to friends and family, and within all of that enjoy some leisure activities, drinks and relax in the sun and read some more. Catch up on the sports world.

It’s easy to just feel like that’s too much, too tiring, takes too much focus, too much energy & effort. Sorry, but my desire outweighs that pain. I could careless about the pain that comes from that. That pain is nothing compared to the pain I’d feel internally knowing God’s blessed me with a gift that I haven’t given to the world.

I am responsible and obligated to give to the world through my works, through my energy, through my example, through the example that God has made of me. Even if I never meet anyone who’s benefited from my words or works; I must put that out because I know that is what I am called to do. Plain and simple. The fear and thought of not doing so hurts and frightens me too much, I can endure whatever other pain over that. Truth is, I want to give and accomplish and be fulfilled by God through that work more than any other thing. The pain of the process doesn’t compare to this desire to serve the lord through the work he’s doing through me. It’s bigger than me. It’s for a greater cause, a greater purpose and that purpose and cause is also greater than the pain I endure during the process.

“Pain pushes you, vision pulls you”

Clarify your purpose and when you’ve pieced every piece given to you together, let that pull you. No amount of pain will stand in your way. You will be tired, you be hurt, you will lose hope, just remind yourself of what masterpiece God is putting together. Remind yourself of what you’re doing and let your desires outweigh your pain. The desire to grow strong and impact the world the way God intended you to must and is greater than any pain.

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