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  • Writer's pictureAxel Neree

Precision & Timing

“He’s very fast, he’s very powerful, but precision beats power & timing beats speed and that’s what we saw today.”

Those are words from Connor McGregor after he knocked out his opponent in 13 seconds with a strong left hand to the dome. I love this line. It reminds us, although speed & power are attributes to be respected, they can still be beaten.

Precision, “the quality, condition or fact of being exact and accurate”, takes focus, calculation, repetition & a specific target. Timing, “the choice, judgment or control of when something should be done”, is as its definition states, a decision. How precise are you with your vision? How good is your timing?

Wherever you are today, you have the ability to aim. The ability to dream. The ability to ask, pray and clarify your target. What is your life going to be today? What are you aiming for? How precise can I be when I am aiming for my dream? How do I develop & implement good judgment? How must I train myself to know which tool to use & when it is best to use.

Food for thought, we focus a lot on speed & power, however, an emphasis on precision & timing may serve us best. The beauty & contradiction is in how fluid, supple, agile & vulnerable you must be in order to accomplish precisely what it is you’re aiming for, along with your timing. In order to control, you must let go of control. In order to be in a position to influence, you must be in a position to be influenced.

This dynamic surely explains why instead we tend to concentrate on speed & power. It is a much linear and simplified path. However, the rigidity that comes with this is what leaves us susceptible to being knocked out.

Specify your dreams, goals & state of being. Imagine & ask for yourself, what kind of relationship do I want to have with my spouse? With my children? With my colleagues, friends? What kind of physical habits do I want to have? What do I want to be remembered for? What example & lessons do I want to leave my world & sphere of influence with? Take your time, build your strengths, specify them all. Next, be precise with your aim and auspicious with your timing.

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