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  • Writer's pictureAxel Neree

Relationships = Happiness

Updated: Sep 24, 2018

Axel Nere | TRU FUNCTION | July 2018


Your happiness is directly correlated to the quality of your relationships. That means your relationship with yourself, your faith, your friends, your family, your profession, your spouse, your colleagues, your children; everything and everyone you encounter and are connected to. The better their quality, the better you are.

In knowing this I believe you have to intentionally build the foundation of your relationships. Ask yourself what are you building this relationship on or what have you built this relationship on? Have you built it on status? Is it built on lies? Is it built on love, faith, compassion? Was it build unconsciously on just fun, alcohol maybe? Whatever it is built on will determine its quality & most often its outcome as well.

To improve your life today, intentionally build the foundations of your relationships. I believe in building relationships on faith, love, respect and compassion, this is the root, this is the base. Without this, the quality of the relationship will suffer and as a result will not pass the test of time.

"With true friends even water drank together is sweet enough"

Clarify what kind of relationships you enjoy most, what kind of relationships you want and with whom. Build the foundations of your relationships & reap the benefits that come from beautiful relationships.

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