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  • Writer's pictureAxel Neree

"Specific Means Accountable"

Two questions I am currently visiting are, "What is it for?" and "Who is it for?". I am guilty of taking the easy route with this thought, generalizing my answers. "I'm doing this for every and anyone, for people and to serve God and my faith." Great answer, but an easy one to get lost with on the road to fulfilling your purpose, because it's so general. I believe as Colossians 3:23 states, "Whatever you do, work at it wholeheartedly as though you were doing it for the Lord and not merely for people".

I've also come to learn that "Specific Means Accountable". The more specific your desire or your target is, the more faith & prayer it will require. The more specific, the more powerful the testimony. Who do you specifically want to serve & in what specific way?You're given the opportunity to specify your desire, so you can exercise & display your faith. Once it's specified, you'll be taken on a journey to develop the characteristics & attributes required to handle, enjoy and multiple the blessings you're asking God to entrust in your hands. It'll be a journey filled with submission (surrendering to God and His strength, not yours), patience (His pace & timing, not yours). A journey filled with uncertainty, fears & doubts, to get you to rely on him and not your own understandings. It will take you obeying, to remind you, you are held to a higher standard.

Often times, we're not specific, not because we don't know what we want, but because we're afraid of answering directly & specifically to it if we fail. In other words, we don't want to be held accountable for our failures and disappointments. It takes a lot of courage, intention, faith & trust to be specific. That thing, that feeling, that business, that relationship that you've been desiring, What is it for? Who is it for? Have the faith to be specific & the strength to be accountable.

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