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  • Writer's pictureAxel Neree

Supple Minds Only

Is the key simply being a great worker? Knowing how to work well? Knowing how to perform at a high level consistently?

Talent is worthless without work ethic. For some it may be a hard decision to pick between a talented individual with poor work ethics or an individual with little talent, but great work ethic. Which is the best choice? The answer may depend on which game you play, the short or long game? Each have different vulnerabilities, but vulnerabilities, nonetheless.

A debate can be made for either case. Whether you’re playing the long or short game, you can choose the talented individual and focus on developing their work ethic, or take the less talented individual, using their work ethic and focus on developing their talents. It’s not a simple black & white choice. There’s power in making definitive choices. Clarify your criteria, weigh it out and make your best decision accordingly.

We have our preferences, our beliefs, and our reasons. I had a similar discussion with a close friend the other day, which lead to the thought that, almost every and anything can & will be argued amongst people. Is the key then to argue your point of view, belief, reasoning and make the other agree to it? Or can we instead, take a step back and recognize both arguments. Can two things be true at once? Are there no definite answers? Is there a right and a wrong?

The world is not black & white. Context & details matter. It’s easy to get lost in discussions, trying to explain your interpretation. Can your intellect & emotions be supple and nimble enough to bend in different angles, yet remain sharp simultaneously?

Leave behind the rigid, no need to justify, sell or argue your opinions. Live them & live them freely. Focus on your work ethic, your consistency. Live your faith and “Be too complex to be categorized”.

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