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  • Writer's pictureAxel Neree

The COVID-19 Gap: An opportunity to lead & help others

Two things I want to remind you of; first and foremost, EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE. IT WILL ALL WORKOUT & WE WILL PREVAIL. So many people are being affected by this crisis in so many ways, health wise, financially, emotionally, mentally. Be still. Times like these are “Gaps”; Gaps between a problem & a solution. We haven’t been able to find a solution to the problem just yet, so we are in this Gap period. There are “GAPS” for us to find an economic solution, a health solution, physically, mentally & spiritually.

The best thing about Gaps is that it makes us present & it gives us an opportunity to lead. Leaders are born in gaps. Leaders find solutions during gaps and they take action. Right now, we need leaders more than anything. We need people part of the crew, not the cargo. If you’re fortunate enough to have work during this time, be healthy & energetic, have resources available, the ability to work from home, all your bills paid, and you’re just sitting and waiting it out, WE NEED YOU! We need you during this gap! Let’s step up!

We need you to help those that don’t have your luxury. You won’t have to look far to find someone who is worried about paying their bills, or when their next paycheck is coming in, or a loved one’s health. Reach out to them, offer to pay a bill, or assist with it, offer words of encouragement, don’t sit and chat about “how crazy of a time it is”; we’re all aware of it; let’s feed love, hope, encouragement, assurance into each other. Let’s be HERE for each other. That’s what we do best, that’s who we are at the end of the day.

It doesn’t matter who you are, what race you are, your education, what country you live in, if you’re a human on Earth right now, you are affected by this somehow, someway, so lets get some solutions, short-term or long-term ones, doesn’t matter, let’s get to them. The internet reminds us of how much of a beautiful thing it can be right now, with keeping everyone connected, spreading laughs, words of encouragement, hope, prayers, love, you can wire money to people in need, you can constantly check in on everyone’s lives, let’s lift each other up and help everyone out during this gap.

So, my ask and challenge to everyone, is to commit to doing just one thing that helps people around you, your city, your state, your country, people in other countries just once a day during this time. Send someone a message supporting them and reminding them that you’re there for them. Send someone some toilet paper, pay for someone’s dinner, lunch, light bill, just show each other you care for one another.

This is a gap for us to be still, pray, hope & care for each other. Leaders are born during times like this. Be a leader today; set an example, lead others to a solution.

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