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  • Writer's pictureAxel Neree

There is time for everything in the day...

There is time enough for everything in the course of the day, if you do but one thing at once”

– Lord Chesterfield

In the world we live in today, with all our technologies, hacks and all the notifications we constantly received throughout our days, we tend to get and be distracted by so many things.

Our attention is what everyone and every company wants; they spend millions of dollars to get in front of our minds and own some real estate in our heads. People spend not only money, but hours of their time creating content for the most valuable currency in the world; your attention.

No wonder it’s so hard for us to focus and pay attention to our own tasks and desires, because we’ve spent (Paid) all of our attention on what the companies and people of our world want us to pay attention to instead of deliberately focusing on what we would like to invest our attention into.

Now that dream I’ve been dreaming of cannot be brought to reality, or that project I always wanted to do is put off because I don’t have any more energy/attention (your personal currency) to focus and invest my attention into what I need and want to do. My attention & energy bank is drained, I’ll have to wait until my next pay check (sleep, rest & recovery) to use that energy and attention on it tomorrow.

You can buy everything you want in your lifetime, you just can’t buy it all at once. Some people can afford to spend more than others, but “Stay in your ‘own’ lane people”; build up your energy and invest your attention in whatever it is you truly want. Be in control of your attention and spend it deliberately. Make sure you are directing your attention and it’s not being directed or controlled by other sources than yourself or those that you desire and are conscious of.

This is what Lord Chesterfield is talking about to his son. You can do it all in your day, if you only focused on one thing at a time. The great discipline of being present. There’s so much power in the ability to deliberately focus and concentrate. That itself is a skill. The habit we create is either helping that skill/ability improve and get better or its making it worse, there’s no such thing as staying the same.

The lesson he wanted to leave his son with this message was to practice and create a habit of being present. Focus on what’s here, right now. “This moment”, is the moment you have, and that’s where life always is. The power is in the now. The power is in the moment, this task. Focus, complete what you’re doing now fully, then move to the next and you will accomplish it all. Not by doing it all at once, but by doing but one thing at a once.

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