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  • Writer's pictureAxel Neree

Trust more than you believe!

Updated: Jun 16, 2019

September 2018 | Axel Neree

"Trust is the most expensive thing in the world"

One of the pastor’s I follow was talking about a guy, a daredevil walking on a tight rope across the Niagara Falls; he did the walk multiple times, and one time he walked across it pushing a wheelbarrow! A WHEELBARROW! The people watching were cheering him on and he asked them, “Do you believe I can make it back?” They were all screaming & cheering “Yea! You got it! You can do it!” Then he asked the crowd, “Who wants to sit in the wheelbarrow as I walk back?” All silence.

The message was about TRUST. It’s a lot different from believing. People believed in this guy getting back, but they didn’t trust that belief enough to sit in the wheelbarrow as he did it. There’s a big different between believing & trusting.

When you TRUST you do! To trust means you don’t have all the answers. It means you’re dealing with uncertainty, it means you’re not completely sure, not certain it’ll workout, yet you still KNOW & have faith that what you believe will manifest! It will happen!

Like many people, I have people in my life who say, “I believe in you”, yet they don’t trust in my abilities. They believe in you, but they doubt and don’t trust your judgement. Or they don’t trust you’ll actually accomplish things. If you can relate to this:

  1. Remember that their trust or belief has more to do with them, than it does with you.

  2. Nobody needs to trust or believe in you, BUT YOURSELF! -You have to believe & trust yourself! That’s the key.


Imagine yourself and trust yourself. That’s the key to winning here in this game of life. In my opinion you’ll never truly KNOW yourself. As you grow older you get a good idea about yourself and your preferences, yet when/ if you’re constantly striving and pushing yourself to grow you experience so many different sides of yourself that you become this collection of so many experiences you don’t define, or categorize yourself, you are a constant mystery to yourself & such a beautiful, dynamic being, always learning new things about yourself and adapting yourself. You don’t know yourself, you’re creating yourself. What better way of creating yourself than to imagine yourself?

Instead of thinking you need to “Know yourself”, start imagining & trusting yourself! That’s a major key. It’s not enough to believe in yourself; because when times get hard, will-power is low, fatigue sets in, doubt starts to creep up, you start not trusting, then you stop believing and that leads to you NOT DOING. Trust the process. Trust God. Trust is active!

In order to trust, I have to walk on the tightrope, I have to put effort in striving towards what I believe is possible, towards what I believe I can achieve! Just like any muscle or process you go through, you have to exercise that trust. You have to work-out your trust muscle, you have to work-out your trust in your abilities, in your faith, in your God, in your strategy! It takes hard work to trust! Keep working hard, imagine yourself, your goals, trust yourself & trust yourself in God’s hands!

In God We Trust.
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