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  • Writer's pictureAxel Neree

UncomMEN Husbands

With a devotional asking, “Why do you love your wife?”, most answers, the common answers, were “performance-based”. I love her because she is a great caretaker. I love her because she is funny, loving, a great cook. If not performance-based, the answers were out of duty and obligation. I love her because I am her husband, and it’s my duty. The following paragraph is one to help us men answer that question & remember our purpose.

“Why do you love your wife? If it’s because of how she makes you feel or because it’s your duty, you’ll end up with a common marriage. But if you want to be uncommon, love your bride as Christ loved the church- who saw glory in one day presenting his bride back to his heavenly father – even more beautiful than the day they got hitched”.

Uncommon men, uncommon husbands, love their wives to glorify God. They Remember one day you will return her to the lord and what will he have to say about how you nourished her? What will he have to say about how you cherished her? How did you turn her into royalty? As a husband you are the head of your household, and you are to cherish & appreciate your wife. A husband must see “glory in one day presenting his bride back to his heavenly father”.

To cherish her, is to love her, nourish her emotional needs of being desired, being cared for, valued. Cherish her and help her appreciate in value. Appreciating her through love encourages her to become the Godly woman she is destined to be. She is an example of God’s love. Keep her eyes fixed in the lord, leading by love & faith. A boy tries to provide, an uncommon man seeks to cherish & appreciate his wife.

“When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” – 1 Corinthians 13:11

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