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  • Writer's pictureAxel Neree

Writing is a skill, practice everyday.

Like any skill, it takes deliberate practice to improve. The challenge to myself is to write daily. The challenge may be more intellectual than technical, since I need a subject to write about daily.

It’s been 3 months now, where I’ve sent my weekly email. It’s funny because naturally you would think that you have enough content, messages & research to write 1 weekly email, yet that’s not always the case. Some weeks I have plenty to share, other weeks it’s a battle. The best part is that, it keeps me accountable to sit, think, process, research & read. Its taught me much, how it usually takes me ~10 days to finish a book, I want to break it down to ~7 days and finish a book a week. I am improving, so I am prepped for the journey and build up the skill. It also helps you reflect and realize how some weeks you may have just a few repeating thoughts & other weeks you have an abundance of different thoughts and subjects. Lesson here is to simply go with it. When you’re hot and in rhythm, just keep it at. When you’re not, just keep at it, until you’re hot.

This “Daily Writing” here is simply the next step. Writing daily. It not only requires you to sit, read, research and organize your thoughts in order to write things with content, but it also requires you to manage your time well and be intentional with your attention. Another reason why I enjoy this. Daily habits, of waking up earlier, exercising, reading, engaging with my family & people all around, being more productive, I am grateful for it all.

I typically write throughout my week, but most of my writings are prayers, venting and informal. There is certainly a different type of focus, energy & intention required to write formally. I am excited about this journey. This is day one. Thank you.

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