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  • Writer's pictureAxel Neree

You don't need anyone's permission

This is a simple reminder that to achieve whatever it is you want, to do what makes you happy, to feel fulfilled, to earn & save as much money as you want or to go on that trip that you always dreamed of, or to live the life of your dreams YOU DON’T NEED ANYONE’S PERMISSION.

Many people know this yet, they don’t live like it. We tend to wait on certain things, or we hesitate, because we don’t want to create any conflict, be criticized, offend anyone or step on anyone’s toe. So, to stay out of other people’s ways or to stay out of their minds, we limit what we do so we don’t draw too much unwanted attention to ourselves.

I’m here to tell you right now, none of that matters. You don’t need to wait. You don’t need anyone’s approval or validation to do anything you desire. All you need is your vision to be clarified, defined and the faith to get you through to see and experience it all. One of the biggest reminders I like to give people & myself, is to constantly ask yourself if you’re living and responding out of fear or out of faith? Are you living reactively or proactively?

This is something that has to be practiced every single day. In every single aspect. Too many times, we let the fear of doing or not doing something stop us from taking any action towards it. You’re afraid of how much stress & strain it will put on you and your relationships so you tend to be more on the side of caution and don’t pursue it. Or you’re afraid it won’t work out, so you just don’t do it at all. You’re not sure it can be done, you don’t know exactly what it is, or how it will be so you just don’t attempt it or limit yourself to believe “I just have to go about it this way instead”.

Nothing great was ever accomplished without getting past fear. If you did it without doubt or fear, that’s because it wasn’t that daring or great of an accomplishment and it certainly is not that fulfilling. The bigger the fear you conquer, and obstacle your overcome, the more fulfilling the achievement will be. The stronger you’ll be.

You don’t need anyone’s permission to live the life you were called to live. You don’t need anyone’s validation to be who you were created to be. You’ve already been validated, you’re already alive, you’re already given permission and ordered to be who you are supposed to be. You’re the only one limiting yourself from it. No one else but you. Ultimately, you need to remind yourself that YOU ARE THE ONE WHO HAS TO GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION TO PURSUE YOUR DREAMS. God has already granted you permission to do so, but for some reason you don’t believe it fully yet. You haven’t given yourself permission, you haven’t bought into the thought & truth that God has already given you all the permission, resources and talents you need to fulfill your destiny.

You can live exactly how you want to, you don’t need anyone’s permission. When we talk about getting permission, a lot of times people think of as children you had to have permission to do x,y&z; but when I speak about this right now, the biggest thing I want to address is permission to think, feel, see & live free. Permission to be spiritually filled, permission to be mentally free. Free from what society wants you to feel, see, think or do. You don’t need society’s permission to do anything. You’re not responsible to please or abide by what society’s preferences. You are responsible to please & abide by God’s words. Society is not your God.

You don’t need to think like the majority of society, you don’t have to like what everyone likes. You don’t have to do what everyone does. Remember that. You’re not of this world. You don’t need this world’s permission. Trust yourself, trust in God and the best way to show that you believe and trust is to live it through your daily actions.

Live freely, go out and do that project that you always wanted to do, go and tell someone the story you’ve always wanted to tell. Be the light and love you want to see. Create that picture that excites you and put it out to the world. Sing that song you wanted to sing to the world. Whatever your wildest dreams are, YOU HAVE PERMISSION TO LIVE IT!

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