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  • Writer's pictureAxel Neree

"You go into the studio with clips"

I love this line by Lil’ Wayne. He was talking about some of his artist who would say “I’m not going into the studio until I have a beat, a producer, ext..” “His response is my favorite, “What are you doing?.. You go into the studio with clips! Ammo!”

Meaning you go into with pieces, that’s your ammunition, you build with clips and on clips. Piece by piece. On my end, that’s how I write, I write with clips, I write in clips. I have one line that I like, one line that provokes a thought for me and I build from that one. That one line creates a paragraph, then a page and eventually a book. That’s why you go into it with clips. On top of that, I’m a yellow-pad writer so I have tons of paper clips for each one of my writings (how fitting, clips). So, I go into my office with clips too, literally.

I feel like a lot of times we don’t create or attempt a project because we feel we need all the pieces in order to create a masterpiece. Truth is a masterpiece begins with a piece. Just one. One clip. If you’re trying to write a book, you can start with just one line, one thought, one word that you’re trying to communicate. Then build on that word by word, piece by piece. As you express that clip, other clips form, then another piece come into play to create your masterpiece.

My belief is that that’s how things are born, through “small” bits and pieces and most importantly through consistent action. You find the missing pieces by taking action consistently. You stimulate more artwork, clarify your dreams and visions piece by piece by starting with the one “clip” you have and add the other pieces as you go. The whole picture doesn’t come all at once, you just get glimpse and your responsibility is to consistently take action with the little pieces, put them out so you can attract the other pieces that go with it. When you stop, it stops; so, keep feeding and fueling it.

The clips are your ammo, clips are your codes, your “greenlight” symbols. Once you start to get visions of your dreams, your goals, start moving, keep moving and use the clips to guide you. You have to FINISH this clip before you can add another clip. Your power is in being resourceful. God tells you to multiply what he’s given you. If he gives you 2 talents, give him back 4. If he gives you 5 clips, give him back 10 clips, or a movie back.

Find your clips, listen to the whispers he’s telling you, where he’s guiding you, follow his instructions with your clips, take action and just watch him turn the “random” small pieces of your life into a masterpiece. It all started with a piece, a clip. That’s how all great things are formed, consistently, piece by piece.

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