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  • Writer's pictureAxel Neree

You have to learn to have enough, before you could have abundance.

Abundantly: Adverb

“In large quantities, plentifully.”

“A thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” — John 10:10

Before you live abundantly, you have to live with enough. What’s really enough? What are you feeding more to? Why?

The coffee is steaming from my cup, my blue ink on the yellow pad show plenty of scribbled numbers, as the lady brings my smoothie bowl to my table, I’m staring out the window, eyes wide, blank stare on my face. All I was thinking was “Man if $4,200 isn’t enough right now, $420,000 won’t be enough tomorrow. You’re literally just training yourself & your mind to never have enough. You’re training yourself to always look for more. You’re training yourself to never be satisfied.” This is the result of the conventional wisdom you let in from the world, about “don’t stop selling, don’t stop doing, keep building more, grow more, it’s not enough, do more.” I really bought into it. Never realizing how poorly it was treating me. Never realizing how I thought it was motivating me and keeping me going, but it’s actually the root cause of my issues.

“Don’t be satisfied, you can always do more.” “Get more. Go for more. Don’t stop. Keep pushing, the grind never stops.” When will you stop chasing? When you chase things, you’re telling yourself what you have, what you are isn’t enough. I need more to feel good. I need more to be finished. I need more to be satisfied. Striving for things is good, but living in this state of chasing & seeking more is what kills you. That’s what robs you of what you have. You lose everything you have, in the process of chasing what you don’t have. You have to learn to recognize this cycle.

You already have enough! You already have everything you need. You already are everything you need to be. You might’ve heard that before, but there’s a huge difference in hearing something and knowing something.

KNOWING something, is applying something. “If you knew better, you’d do better”. Yea you heard it, but you don’t know it yet. You will though. Apply what you know. Strive, but be at peace with where you are, be at peace with what you have. Be at peace with who you are.

I snapped out of it, looked up and said “Thank you, I appreciate you. What’s your name?” In that moment, I decided I have enough. I am enough. I have everything I need in this very moment. I decided everything I have is enough for me. I decided I am wealthy in that very moment. I am successful in this very moment. I learned that I had to learn to have enough, before I could have abundance. So, I decided “I have enough”.

I learned that “a thief only comes to steal, kill & destroy” and I let all these thieves (thoughts & beliefs, both mine & others’) into my head, stealing my happiness, stealing my focus, killing my energy, destroying my relationships and my gratitude. These thieves are stealing my vision & ability to recognize my resources, my ability to recognize what’s enough, to recognize what’s most important. I was allowing these thieves to destroy my ability to recognize the blessings I have, causing me to live in this state of scarcity instead of living in the abundance I am designed and destined to experience.

Recognize when you have any thieves in your head or in your life, and remind yourself that right now you have everything you need. Remind yourself that right now you have enough. Don’t let the thought of what you want for tomorrow distract you from what you have right now in your life. Don’t let the thought of what you don’t know, distract you from what you do know. Let it remind you of what you do know, and what you do know is that in this very moment, as you’re reading this, you are safe. You have enough. You are enough.

In order to live in abundance tomorrow, you must live in abundance right now with all of what you have. You must learn to make “enough” abundant in order for you to truly live abundantly. You were designed to live abundantly. You are abundant. That’s great power, that’s a great skill, a great gift you’re naturally given. I pray you be the person who recognizes the power they have, the power of abundance, the creativity & skill of living and creating abundance. That’s such a powerful skill. It’s the power to turn one into enough. The power to turn “enough” into plenty, into abundance. With this skill, you realize you always have more than enough right now! You realize you’re always filled and with that you can always be here, present, loving and giving to others.

Abundance doesn’t come from having things you want; abundance comes from wanting the things you have.

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